Module deepcomp.env.single_ue.variants

Implementation variants of the basic single-UE & single-agent env with varying observations.

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"""Implementation variants of the basic single-UE & single-agent env with varying observations."""
import gym.spaces
import numpy as np

from deepcomp.env.single_ue.base import MobileEnv
from deepcomp.env.entities.station import SNR_THRESHOLD as MIN_SNR_THRESHOLD

class BinaryMobileEnv(MobileEnv):
    """Subclass of the general Mobile Env that uses binary observations to indicate which BS are & can be connected"""
    def __init__(self, env_config):
        # observations: binary vector of BS availability (in range and dr >= req_dr) + already connected BS
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.MultiBinary(2 * self.num_bs)
        # actions: select a BS to be connected to/disconnect from or noop
        self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.num_bs + 1)

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        Return the an observation of the current world for a given UE
        It consists of 2 binary vectors: BS availability and already connected BS
        bs_availability = [int(bs.can_connect(ue.pos)) for bs in self.bs_list]
        connected_bs = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]
        return np.array(bs_availability + connected_bs)

class JustConnectedObsMobileEnv(BinaryMobileEnv):
    """Dummy observations just contain binary info about which BS are connected. Nothing about availability"""
    def __init__(self, env_config):
        # observations: just binary vector of already connected BS
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs)
        # same action space as binary env: select a BS to be connected to/disconnect from or noop

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        """Observation: Currently connected BS"""
        connected_bs = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]
        return np.array(connected_bs)

class DatarateMobileEnv(BinaryMobileEnv):
    """Subclass of the binary MobileEnv that uses the achievable data rate as observations"""
    def __init__(self, env_config):
        Env where the achievable data rate is passed as observations
        Special setting: dr_cutoff='auto' (sub_req_dr must be True) -->
            1. Subtract required data rate --> negative if data rate is too low
            2. Clip/cut off at req. dr --> symmetric range [-req_dr, +req_dr]; doesn't matter if dr is much higher
            3. Normalize by dividing by req_dr --> range [-1, 1] similar to other obs

        These are highly tailored to a step utility functions where UEs have a fixed req. dr and flat utility.
        Not great for log utility function.

        Extra fields in the env_config:

        * dr_cutoff: Any data rate above this value will be cut off --> help have obs in same range
        * sub_req_dr: If true, subtract a UE's required data rate from the achievable dr --> neg obs if too little
        * curr_dr_obs: If true, add a UE's current total data rate (over all BS) to the observations
        * ues_at_bs_obs: If true, add obs showing the number of connected UEs at each BS. To help balance connections.
        * dist_obs: If true, add a UE's distance (normalized) to all BS in the obs
        * next_dist_obs: If true, add a UE's distance (normalized) to all BS AFTER taking the next step,
        ie, taking the movement direction and velocity into account (estimate)
        self.dr_cutoff = env_config['dr_cutoff']
        self.sub_req_dr = env_config['sub_req_dr']
        self.curr_dr_obs = env_config['curr_dr_obs']
        self.ues_at_bs_obs = env_config['ues_at_bs_obs']
        self.dist_obs = env_config['dist_obs']
        self.next_dist_obs = env_config['next_dist_obs']

        # sanity checks
        assert not (self.dr_cutoff == 'auto' and not self.sub_req_dr), "For dr_cutoff auto, sub_req_dr must be True."
        assert (not self.curr_dr_obs) or (self.dr_cutoff == 'auto' and self.sub_req_dr), \
            "Enable all processing to add extra obs"
        assert self.dist_obs or not self.next_dist_obs, "Also enable 'dist_obs' when using 'next_dist_obs'"

        # observations: vector of dr to each BS + (optionally: total curr dr of UE) + already connected BS
        # cut off dr at given dr level. here, dr is below 200 anyways --> default doesn't cut off
        max_dr_req = max([ue.dr_req for ue in self.ue_list])'Max dr req', max_dr_req=max_dr_req, dr_cutoff=self.dr_cutoff, sub_req_dr=self.sub_req_dr,
        assert self.dr_cutoff == 'auto' or max_dr_req < self.dr_cutoff, \
            "dr_cutoff should be higher than max required dr. by UEs"
        obs_space = {}

        # 1. Achievable data rate for given UE for all BS --> Box;
        if self.dr_cutoff == 'auto':
            # normalized to [-1, 1]
            dr_low = np.full(shape=(self.num_bs,), fill_value=-1)
            dr_high = np.ones(self.num_bs)
            # if we subtract the required data rate, observations may become negative
            if self.sub_req_dr:
                dr_low = np.full(shape=(self.num_bs,), fill_value=-max_dr_req)
                dr_low = np.zeros(self.num_bs)
            dr_high = np.full(shape=(self.num_bs,), fill_value=self.dr_cutoff)
        obs_space['dr'] = gym.spaces.Box(low=dr_low, high=dr_high)

        # 2. Connected BS --> MultiBinary
        obs_space['connected'] = gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs)

        # 3. Optional: total current dr of the UE over all BS connections. Normalized to [-1, 1]. 0 = exactly fulfilled
        if self.curr_dr_obs:
            obs_space['dr_total'] = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(1,))

        # 4. Optional: Number of connected UEs per BS. Discrete: 0 up to all UEs
        if self.ues_at_bs_obs:
            obs_space['ues_at_bs'] = gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([self.num_ue+1 for _ in range(self.num_bs)])

        # 5. Optional: Distance of a UE to all BS. Normalized by max distance on map (diagonal)
        if self.dist_obs:
            obs_space['dist'] = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,))

        # 6. Optional: Distances after taking the next step, ie, taking movement direction and velocity into account
        if self.next_dist_obs:
            obs_space['next_dist'] = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,))

        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(obs_space)
        # same action space as binary env: select a BS to be connected to/disconnect from or noop

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        Observation: Achievable data rate per BS (processed) + currently connected BS (binary)
        + optionally: total curr dr + num UEs per BS
        obs_dict = {}

        if self.dr_cutoff == 'auto':
            # subtract req_dr and auto clip & normalize to [-1, 1]
            bs_dr = []
            for bs in self.bs_list:
                dr_sub = bs.data_rate(ue) - ue.dr_req
                dr_clip = min(dr_sub, ue.dr_req)        # clipped to range [-dr_req, dr_req]
                dr_norm = dr_clip / ue.dr_req
        elif self.sub_req_dr:
            # subtract req_dr and cut off at dr_cutoff
            bs_dr = [min(bs.data_rate(ue) - ue.dr_req, self.dr_cutoff) for bs in self.bs_list]
            # just cut off at dr_cutoff
            bs_dr = [min(bs.data_rate(ue), self.dr_cutoff) for bs in self.bs_list]
        obs_dict['dr'] = bs_dr

        obs_dict['connected'] = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]

        if self.curr_dr_obs:
            total_dr = ue.curr_dr
            # process by subtracting dr_req, clipping to [-dr_req, dr_req], normalizing to [-1, 1]
            total_dr -= ue.dr_req
            total_dr = min(total_dr, ue.dr_req)
            total_dr = total_dr / ue.dr_req
            obs_dict['dr_total'] = [total_dr]

        if self.ues_at_bs_obs:
            obs_dict['ues_at_bs'] = [bs.num_conn_ues for bs in self.bs_list]

        if self.dist_obs:
            obs_dict['dist'] = [ue.pos.distance(bs.pos) / for bs in self.bs_list]

        if self.next_dist_obs:
            # step_towards_waypoint returns next pos based on curr pos and movement but doesn't move UE (--> estimate)
            # step also takes pausing into account, but I can't use it since it would really move the UE
            next_pos = ue.movement.step_towards_waypoint(ue.pos)
            obs_dict['next_dist'] = [next_pos.distance(bs.pos) / for bs in self.bs_list]

        return obs_dict

class NormDrMobileEnv(BinaryMobileEnv):
    """Similar to DatarateMobileEnv but with different data rate processing."""
    def __init__(self, env_config):
        # clip & normalize data rates according to utility.
        # we clip utility at +20, which is reached for a dr of 100
        self.dr_cutoff = 100
        obs_space = {
            'dr': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
            'dr_total': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,)),
            'connected': gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs),
            # 'can_connect': gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs),
            # total number of connections: 0 up to all BS
            # 'num_conn': gym.spaces.Discrete(self.num_bs + 1),
            # 'ues_at_bs': gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([self.num_ue+1 for _ in range(self.num_bs)]),
            # 'bs_in_use': gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs),
            # 'ues_at_bs': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
            # 'unshared_dr': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=self.dr_cutoff, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
            # total dr per BS; normalized similar to UE's dr
            # 'bs_rate': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(obs_space)

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        # data rates: clipped and normalized according to dr_cutoff
        bs_dr = []
        # bs_dr_unshared = []
        for bs in self.bs_list:
            # subtract required data rate first
            # dr_sub = bs.data_rate(ue) - ue.dr_req
            dr_clip = min(bs.data_rate(ue), self.dr_cutoff)
            dr_norm = dr_clip / self.dr_cutoff
            # normalize differently depending on whether requirement is fulfilled or not
            # if dr_clip < 0:
            #     dr_norm = dr_clip / ue.dr_req
            # else:
            #     dr_norm = dr_clip / self.dr_cutoff

            # dr_un_clip = min(bs.data_rate_unshared(ue), self.dr_cutoff)
            # bs_dr_unshared.append(dr_un_clip)

        # connected BS
        bs_conn = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]
        # num_conn = sum(bs_conn)

        # BS that are in range, ie, SNR is above threshold
        # bs_can_conn = [int(bs.can_connect(ue.pos)) for bs in self.bs_list]

        # num connected UEs per BS
        # ues_at_bs = [bs.num_conn_ues for bs in self.bs_list]
        # ues_at_bs = [bs.num_conn_ues / self.num_ue for bs in self.bs_list]
        # bs_in_use = [int(bs.num_conn_ues > 0) for bs in self.bs_list]

        # total curr dr per UE
        dr_total = [min(ue.curr_dr, self.dr_cutoff) / self.dr_cutoff]

        # total data rate per BS (normalized)
        # very inefficient to calculate this anew for each UE even though it's the same each time
        # bs_total_dr = []
        # for bs in self.bs_list:
        #     dr_clip = min(bs.total_data_rate, self.dr_cutoff)
        #     dr_norm = dr_clip / self.dr_cutoff
        #     bs_total_dr.append(dr_norm)

        # return {'dr': bs_dr, 'connected': bs_conn}
        # return {'dr': bs_dr, 'connected': bs_conn, 'ues_at_bs': ues_at_bs, 'unshared_dr': bs_dr_unshared, 'dr_total': dr_total}
        # return {'dr': bs_dr, 'connected': bs_conn, 'dr_total': dr_total, 'can_connect': bs_can_conn, 'num_conn': num_conn}
        return {'dr': bs_dr, 'connected': bs_conn, 'dr_total': dr_total}

class RelNormEnv(BinaryMobileEnv):
    Similar to NormDrMobileEnv with somewhat different obs:
    * The data rate per UE-BS connection is normalized compared to the other possible connections a UE has
        * Doesn't require any dr_cuttoff
    * Include the own utility
    * Later: More observations indicating which BS are idle vs used by other UEs; also diff reward
    def __init__(self, env_config):
        self.obs_space_dict = {
            # connected is unchanged; as before
            'connected': gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs),
            # dr is normalized differently
            'dr': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
            'utility': gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(1,)),
            # 'idle_bs': gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs),
            # avg utility of UEs at each BS --> support optimizing neighbors' utility
            # 'bs_util': gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,))
            # 'ues_at_bs': gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([self.num_ue+1 for _ in range(self.num_bs)]),
            'ues_at_bs': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(self.obs_space_dict)

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        # connected BS as before
        bs_conn = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]

        # normalized dr to [0,1] based on the highest dr currently available
        # bs_dr = [bs.data_rate(ue) for bs in self.bs_list]
        # better than data rate: Use SNR instead of dr!
        bs_dr = [bs.snr(ue.pos) for bs in self.bs_list]
        max_dr = max(bs_dr)
        # avoid division by 0
        if max_dr == 0:
            bs_norm_dr = [0 for _ in bs_dr]
            bs_norm_dr = [dr / max_dr for dr in bs_dr]

        # utility normalized to [-1,1]
        utility = [ue.utility / 20]

        # which BS are currently idle
        # idle_bs = [int(bs.num_conn_ues == 0) for bs in self.bs_list]

        # min utility of UEs for each BS
        # bs_util = [bs.min_utility / 20 for bs in self.bs_list]

        # ues_at_bs = [bs.num_conn_ues for bs in self.bs_list]
        ues_at_bs = [bs.num_conn_ues / self.num_ue for bs in self.bs_list]

        # return {'connected': bs_conn, 'dr': bs_norm_dr, 'utility': utility}
        return {'connected': bs_conn, 'dr': bs_norm_dr, 'utility': utility, 'ues_at_bs': ues_at_bs}
        # return {'connected': bs_conn, 'dr': bs_norm_dr, 'utility': utility, 'idle_bs': idle_bs}
        # return {'connected': bs_conn, 'dr': bs_norm_dr, 'utility': utility, 'bs_util': bs_util, 'idle_bs': idle_bs}

class MaxNormEnv(RelNormEnv):
    """Same as RelNormEnv, just with different normalization of SNR (previously data rate)"""
    # max SNR used for normalization. corresponds to distance of roughly 11m to the BS; enough for highest utility

    def __init__(self, env_config):
        # dr/snr may be negative here
        self.obs_space_dict['dr'] = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,))
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(self.obs_space_dict)

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        obs = super().get_ue_obs(ue)

        # overwrite snr observation (previously dr) with new normalization
        bs_snr = []
        for bs in self.bs_list:
            # get SNR and cap at threshold
            snr = min(bs.snr(ue.pos), self.MAX_SNR_THRESHOLD)
            # subtract required SNR and normalize
            snr_norm = (snr - MIN_SNR_THRESHOLD) / (self.MAX_SNR_THRESHOLD - MIN_SNR_THRESHOLD)

        obs['dr'] = bs_snr
        return obs


class BinaryMobileEnv (env_config)

Subclass of the general Mobile Env that uses binary observations to indicate which BS are & can be connected

Create a new environment object with an OpenAI Gym interface. Required fields in the env_config:

  • episode_length: Total number of simulation time steps in one episode
  • map: Map object representing the playground
  • bs_list: List of base station objects in the environment
  • ue_list: List of UE objects in the environment
  • seed: Seed for the RNG; for reproducibility. May be None.

:param env_config: Dict containing all configuration options for the environment. Required by RLlib.

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class BinaryMobileEnv(MobileEnv):
    """Subclass of the general Mobile Env that uses binary observations to indicate which BS are & can be connected"""
    def __init__(self, env_config):
        # observations: binary vector of BS availability (in range and dr >= req_dr) + already connected BS
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.MultiBinary(2 * self.num_bs)
        # actions: select a BS to be connected to/disconnect from or noop
        self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.num_bs + 1)

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        Return the an observation of the current world for a given UE
        It consists of 2 binary vectors: BS availability and already connected BS
        bs_availability = [int(bs.can_connect(ue.pos)) for bs in self.bs_list]
        connected_bs = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]
        return np.array(bs_availability + connected_bs)




def get_ue_obs(self, ue)

Return the an observation of the current world for a given UE It consists of 2 binary vectors: BS availability and already connected BS

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def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
    Return the an observation of the current world for a given UE
    It consists of 2 binary vectors: BS availability and already connected BS
    bs_availability = [int(bs.can_connect(ue.pos)) for bs in self.bs_list]
    connected_bs = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]
    return np.array(bs_availability + connected_bs)

Inherited members

class DatarateMobileEnv (env_config)

Subclass of the binary MobileEnv that uses the achievable data rate as observations

Env where the achievable data rate is passed as observations Special setting: dr_cutoff='auto' (sub_req_dr must be True) –> 1. Subtract required data rate –> negative if data rate is too low 2. Clip/cut off at req. dr –> symmetric range [-req_dr, +req_dr]; doesn't matter if dr is much higher 3. Normalize by dividing by req_dr –> range [-1, 1] similar to other obs

These are highly tailored to a step utility functions where UEs have a fixed req. dr and flat utility. Not great for log utility function.

Extra fields in the env_config:

  • dr_cutoff: Any data rate above this value will be cut off –> help have obs in same range
  • sub_req_dr: If true, subtract a UE's required data rate from the achievable dr –> neg obs if too little
  • curr_dr_obs: If true, add a UE's current total data rate (over all BS) to the observations
  • ues_at_bs_obs: If true, add obs showing the number of connected UEs at each BS. To help balance connections.
  • dist_obs: If true, add a UE's distance (normalized) to all BS in the obs
  • next_dist_obs: If true, add a UE's distance (normalized) to all BS AFTER taking the next step, ie, taking the movement direction and velocity into account (estimate)
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class DatarateMobileEnv(BinaryMobileEnv):
    """Subclass of the binary MobileEnv that uses the achievable data rate as observations"""
    def __init__(self, env_config):
        Env where the achievable data rate is passed as observations
        Special setting: dr_cutoff='auto' (sub_req_dr must be True) -->
            1. Subtract required data rate --> negative if data rate is too low
            2. Clip/cut off at req. dr --> symmetric range [-req_dr, +req_dr]; doesn't matter if dr is much higher
            3. Normalize by dividing by req_dr --> range [-1, 1] similar to other obs

        These are highly tailored to a step utility functions where UEs have a fixed req. dr and flat utility.
        Not great for log utility function.

        Extra fields in the env_config:

        * dr_cutoff: Any data rate above this value will be cut off --> help have obs in same range
        * sub_req_dr: If true, subtract a UE's required data rate from the achievable dr --> neg obs if too little
        * curr_dr_obs: If true, add a UE's current total data rate (over all BS) to the observations
        * ues_at_bs_obs: If true, add obs showing the number of connected UEs at each BS. To help balance connections.
        * dist_obs: If true, add a UE's distance (normalized) to all BS in the obs
        * next_dist_obs: If true, add a UE's distance (normalized) to all BS AFTER taking the next step,
        ie, taking the movement direction and velocity into account (estimate)
        self.dr_cutoff = env_config['dr_cutoff']
        self.sub_req_dr = env_config['sub_req_dr']
        self.curr_dr_obs = env_config['curr_dr_obs']
        self.ues_at_bs_obs = env_config['ues_at_bs_obs']
        self.dist_obs = env_config['dist_obs']
        self.next_dist_obs = env_config['next_dist_obs']

        # sanity checks
        assert not (self.dr_cutoff == 'auto' and not self.sub_req_dr), "For dr_cutoff auto, sub_req_dr must be True."
        assert (not self.curr_dr_obs) or (self.dr_cutoff == 'auto' and self.sub_req_dr), \
            "Enable all processing to add extra obs"
        assert self.dist_obs or not self.next_dist_obs, "Also enable 'dist_obs' when using 'next_dist_obs'"

        # observations: vector of dr to each BS + (optionally: total curr dr of UE) + already connected BS
        # cut off dr at given dr level. here, dr is below 200 anyways --> default doesn't cut off
        max_dr_req = max([ue.dr_req for ue in self.ue_list])'Max dr req', max_dr_req=max_dr_req, dr_cutoff=self.dr_cutoff, sub_req_dr=self.sub_req_dr,
        assert self.dr_cutoff == 'auto' or max_dr_req < self.dr_cutoff, \
            "dr_cutoff should be higher than max required dr. by UEs"
        obs_space = {}

        # 1. Achievable data rate for given UE for all BS --> Box;
        if self.dr_cutoff == 'auto':
            # normalized to [-1, 1]
            dr_low = np.full(shape=(self.num_bs,), fill_value=-1)
            dr_high = np.ones(self.num_bs)
            # if we subtract the required data rate, observations may become negative
            if self.sub_req_dr:
                dr_low = np.full(shape=(self.num_bs,), fill_value=-max_dr_req)
                dr_low = np.zeros(self.num_bs)
            dr_high = np.full(shape=(self.num_bs,), fill_value=self.dr_cutoff)
        obs_space['dr'] = gym.spaces.Box(low=dr_low, high=dr_high)

        # 2. Connected BS --> MultiBinary
        obs_space['connected'] = gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs)

        # 3. Optional: total current dr of the UE over all BS connections. Normalized to [-1, 1]. 0 = exactly fulfilled
        if self.curr_dr_obs:
            obs_space['dr_total'] = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(1,))

        # 4. Optional: Number of connected UEs per BS. Discrete: 0 up to all UEs
        if self.ues_at_bs_obs:
            obs_space['ues_at_bs'] = gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([self.num_ue+1 for _ in range(self.num_bs)])

        # 5. Optional: Distance of a UE to all BS. Normalized by max distance on map (diagonal)
        if self.dist_obs:
            obs_space['dist'] = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,))

        # 6. Optional: Distances after taking the next step, ie, taking movement direction and velocity into account
        if self.next_dist_obs:
            obs_space['next_dist'] = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,))

        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(obs_space)
        # same action space as binary env: select a BS to be connected to/disconnect from or noop

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        Observation: Achievable data rate per BS (processed) + currently connected BS (binary)
        + optionally: total curr dr + num UEs per BS
        obs_dict = {}

        if self.dr_cutoff == 'auto':
            # subtract req_dr and auto clip & normalize to [-1, 1]
            bs_dr = []
            for bs in self.bs_list:
                dr_sub = bs.data_rate(ue) - ue.dr_req
                dr_clip = min(dr_sub, ue.dr_req)        # clipped to range [-dr_req, dr_req]
                dr_norm = dr_clip / ue.dr_req
        elif self.sub_req_dr:
            # subtract req_dr and cut off at dr_cutoff
            bs_dr = [min(bs.data_rate(ue) - ue.dr_req, self.dr_cutoff) for bs in self.bs_list]
            # just cut off at dr_cutoff
            bs_dr = [min(bs.data_rate(ue), self.dr_cutoff) for bs in self.bs_list]
        obs_dict['dr'] = bs_dr

        obs_dict['connected'] = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]

        if self.curr_dr_obs:
            total_dr = ue.curr_dr
            # process by subtracting dr_req, clipping to [-dr_req, dr_req], normalizing to [-1, 1]
            total_dr -= ue.dr_req
            total_dr = min(total_dr, ue.dr_req)
            total_dr = total_dr / ue.dr_req
            obs_dict['dr_total'] = [total_dr]

        if self.ues_at_bs_obs:
            obs_dict['ues_at_bs'] = [bs.num_conn_ues for bs in self.bs_list]

        if self.dist_obs:
            obs_dict['dist'] = [ue.pos.distance(bs.pos) / for bs in self.bs_list]

        if self.next_dist_obs:
            # step_towards_waypoint returns next pos based on curr pos and movement but doesn't move UE (--> estimate)
            # step also takes pausing into account, but I can't use it since it would really move the UE
            next_pos = ue.movement.step_towards_waypoint(ue.pos)
            obs_dict['next_dist'] = [next_pos.distance(bs.pos) / for bs in self.bs_list]

        return obs_dict




def get_ue_obs(self, ue)

Observation: Achievable data rate per BS (processed) + currently connected BS (binary) + optionally: total curr dr + num UEs per BS

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def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
    Observation: Achievable data rate per BS (processed) + currently connected BS (binary)
    + optionally: total curr dr + num UEs per BS
    obs_dict = {}

    if self.dr_cutoff == 'auto':
        # subtract req_dr and auto clip & normalize to [-1, 1]
        bs_dr = []
        for bs in self.bs_list:
            dr_sub = bs.data_rate(ue) - ue.dr_req
            dr_clip = min(dr_sub, ue.dr_req)        # clipped to range [-dr_req, dr_req]
            dr_norm = dr_clip / ue.dr_req
    elif self.sub_req_dr:
        # subtract req_dr and cut off at dr_cutoff
        bs_dr = [min(bs.data_rate(ue) - ue.dr_req, self.dr_cutoff) for bs in self.bs_list]
        # just cut off at dr_cutoff
        bs_dr = [min(bs.data_rate(ue), self.dr_cutoff) for bs in self.bs_list]
    obs_dict['dr'] = bs_dr

    obs_dict['connected'] = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]

    if self.curr_dr_obs:
        total_dr = ue.curr_dr
        # process by subtracting dr_req, clipping to [-dr_req, dr_req], normalizing to [-1, 1]
        total_dr -= ue.dr_req
        total_dr = min(total_dr, ue.dr_req)
        total_dr = total_dr / ue.dr_req
        obs_dict['dr_total'] = [total_dr]

    if self.ues_at_bs_obs:
        obs_dict['ues_at_bs'] = [bs.num_conn_ues for bs in self.bs_list]

    if self.dist_obs:
        obs_dict['dist'] = [ue.pos.distance(bs.pos) / for bs in self.bs_list]

    if self.next_dist_obs:
        # step_towards_waypoint returns next pos based on curr pos and movement but doesn't move UE (--> estimate)
        # step also takes pausing into account, but I can't use it since it would really move the UE
        next_pos = ue.movement.step_towards_waypoint(ue.pos)
        obs_dict['next_dist'] = [next_pos.distance(bs.pos) / for bs in self.bs_list]

    return obs_dict

Inherited members

class JustConnectedObsMobileEnv (env_config)

Dummy observations just contain binary info about which BS are connected. Nothing about availability

Create a new environment object with an OpenAI Gym interface. Required fields in the env_config:

  • episode_length: Total number of simulation time steps in one episode
  • map: Map object representing the playground
  • bs_list: List of base station objects in the environment
  • ue_list: List of UE objects in the environment
  • seed: Seed for the RNG; for reproducibility. May be None.

:param env_config: Dict containing all configuration options for the environment. Required by RLlib.

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class JustConnectedObsMobileEnv(BinaryMobileEnv):
    """Dummy observations just contain binary info about which BS are connected. Nothing about availability"""
    def __init__(self, env_config):
        # observations: just binary vector of already connected BS
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs)
        # same action space as binary env: select a BS to be connected to/disconnect from or noop

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        """Observation: Currently connected BS"""
        connected_bs = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]
        return np.array(connected_bs)



def get_ue_obs(self, ue)

Observation: Currently connected BS

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def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
    """Observation: Currently connected BS"""
    connected_bs = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]
    return np.array(connected_bs)

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class MaxNormEnv (env_config)

Same as RelNormEnv, just with different normalization of SNR (previously data rate)

Create a new environment object with an OpenAI Gym interface. Required fields in the env_config:

  • episode_length: Total number of simulation time steps in one episode
  • map: Map object representing the playground
  • bs_list: List of base station objects in the environment
  • ue_list: List of UE objects in the environment
  • seed: Seed for the RNG; for reproducibility. May be None.

:param env_config: Dict containing all configuration options for the environment. Required by RLlib.

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class MaxNormEnv(RelNormEnv):
    """Same as RelNormEnv, just with different normalization of SNR (previously data rate)"""
    # max SNR used for normalization. corresponds to distance of roughly 11m to the BS; enough for highest utility

    def __init__(self, env_config):
        # dr/snr may be negative here
        self.obs_space_dict['dr'] = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,))
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(self.obs_space_dict)

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        obs = super().get_ue_obs(ue)

        # overwrite snr observation (previously dr) with new normalization
        bs_snr = []
        for bs in self.bs_list:
            # get SNR and cap at threshold
            snr = min(bs.snr(ue.pos), self.MAX_SNR_THRESHOLD)
            # subtract required SNR and normalize
            snr_norm = (snr - MIN_SNR_THRESHOLD) / (self.MAX_SNR_THRESHOLD - MIN_SNR_THRESHOLD)

        obs['dr'] = bs_snr
        return obs



Class variables


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class NormDrMobileEnv (env_config)

Similar to DatarateMobileEnv but with different data rate processing.

Create a new environment object with an OpenAI Gym interface. Required fields in the env_config:

  • episode_length: Total number of simulation time steps in one episode
  • map: Map object representing the playground
  • bs_list: List of base station objects in the environment
  • ue_list: List of UE objects in the environment
  • seed: Seed for the RNG; for reproducibility. May be None.

:param env_config: Dict containing all configuration options for the environment. Required by RLlib.

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class NormDrMobileEnv(BinaryMobileEnv):
    """Similar to DatarateMobileEnv but with different data rate processing."""
    def __init__(self, env_config):
        # clip & normalize data rates according to utility.
        # we clip utility at +20, which is reached for a dr of 100
        self.dr_cutoff = 100
        obs_space = {
            'dr': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
            'dr_total': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,)),
            'connected': gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs),
            # 'can_connect': gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs),
            # total number of connections: 0 up to all BS
            # 'num_conn': gym.spaces.Discrete(self.num_bs + 1),
            # 'ues_at_bs': gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([self.num_ue+1 for _ in range(self.num_bs)]),
            # 'bs_in_use': gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs),
            # 'ues_at_bs': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
            # 'unshared_dr': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=self.dr_cutoff, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
            # total dr per BS; normalized similar to UE's dr
            # 'bs_rate': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(obs_space)

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        # data rates: clipped and normalized according to dr_cutoff
        bs_dr = []
        # bs_dr_unshared = []
        for bs in self.bs_list:
            # subtract required data rate first
            # dr_sub = bs.data_rate(ue) - ue.dr_req
            dr_clip = min(bs.data_rate(ue), self.dr_cutoff)
            dr_norm = dr_clip / self.dr_cutoff
            # normalize differently depending on whether requirement is fulfilled or not
            # if dr_clip < 0:
            #     dr_norm = dr_clip / ue.dr_req
            # else:
            #     dr_norm = dr_clip / self.dr_cutoff

            # dr_un_clip = min(bs.data_rate_unshared(ue), self.dr_cutoff)
            # bs_dr_unshared.append(dr_un_clip)

        # connected BS
        bs_conn = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]
        # num_conn = sum(bs_conn)

        # BS that are in range, ie, SNR is above threshold
        # bs_can_conn = [int(bs.can_connect(ue.pos)) for bs in self.bs_list]

        # num connected UEs per BS
        # ues_at_bs = [bs.num_conn_ues for bs in self.bs_list]
        # ues_at_bs = [bs.num_conn_ues / self.num_ue for bs in self.bs_list]
        # bs_in_use = [int(bs.num_conn_ues > 0) for bs in self.bs_list]

        # total curr dr per UE
        dr_total = [min(ue.curr_dr, self.dr_cutoff) / self.dr_cutoff]

        # total data rate per BS (normalized)
        # very inefficient to calculate this anew for each UE even though it's the same each time
        # bs_total_dr = []
        # for bs in self.bs_list:
        #     dr_clip = min(bs.total_data_rate, self.dr_cutoff)
        #     dr_norm = dr_clip / self.dr_cutoff
        #     bs_total_dr.append(dr_norm)

        # return {'dr': bs_dr, 'connected': bs_conn}
        # return {'dr': bs_dr, 'connected': bs_conn, 'ues_at_bs': ues_at_bs, 'unshared_dr': bs_dr_unshared, 'dr_total': dr_total}
        # return {'dr': bs_dr, 'connected': bs_conn, 'dr_total': dr_total, 'can_connect': bs_can_conn, 'num_conn': num_conn}
        return {'dr': bs_dr, 'connected': bs_conn, 'dr_total': dr_total}



Inherited members

class RelNormEnv (env_config)

Similar to NormDrMobileEnv with somewhat different obs: * The data rate per UE-BS connection is normalized compared to the other possible connections a UE has * Doesn't require any dr_cuttoff * Include the own utility * Later: More observations indicating which BS are idle vs used by other UEs; also diff reward

Create a new environment object with an OpenAI Gym interface. Required fields in the env_config:

  • episode_length: Total number of simulation time steps in one episode
  • map: Map object representing the playground
  • bs_list: List of base station objects in the environment
  • ue_list: List of UE objects in the environment
  • seed: Seed for the RNG; for reproducibility. May be None.

:param env_config: Dict containing all configuration options for the environment. Required by RLlib.

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class RelNormEnv(BinaryMobileEnv):
    Similar to NormDrMobileEnv with somewhat different obs:
    * The data rate per UE-BS connection is normalized compared to the other possible connections a UE has
        * Doesn't require any dr_cuttoff
    * Include the own utility
    * Later: More observations indicating which BS are idle vs used by other UEs; also diff reward
    def __init__(self, env_config):
        self.obs_space_dict = {
            # connected is unchanged; as before
            'connected': gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs),
            # dr is normalized differently
            'dr': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
            'utility': gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(1,)),
            # 'idle_bs': gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.num_bs),
            # avg utility of UEs at each BS --> support optimizing neighbors' utility
            # 'bs_util': gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,))
            # 'ues_at_bs': gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([self.num_ue+1 for _ in range(self.num_bs)]),
            'ues_at_bs': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_bs,)),
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(self.obs_space_dict)

    def get_ue_obs(self, ue):
        # connected BS as before
        bs_conn = [int(bs in ue.bs_dr.keys()) for bs in self.bs_list]

        # normalized dr to [0,1] based on the highest dr currently available
        # bs_dr = [bs.data_rate(ue) for bs in self.bs_list]
        # better than data rate: Use SNR instead of dr!
        bs_dr = [bs.snr(ue.pos) for bs in self.bs_list]
        max_dr = max(bs_dr)
        # avoid division by 0
        if max_dr == 0:
            bs_norm_dr = [0 for _ in bs_dr]
            bs_norm_dr = [dr / max_dr for dr in bs_dr]

        # utility normalized to [-1,1]
        utility = [ue.utility / 20]

        # which BS are currently idle
        # idle_bs = [int(bs.num_conn_ues == 0) for bs in self.bs_list]

        # min utility of UEs for each BS
        # bs_util = [bs.min_utility / 20 for bs in self.bs_list]

        # ues_at_bs = [bs.num_conn_ues for bs in self.bs_list]
        ues_at_bs = [bs.num_conn_ues / self.num_ue for bs in self.bs_list]

        # return {'connected': bs_conn, 'dr': bs_norm_dr, 'utility': utility}
        return {'connected': bs_conn, 'dr': bs_norm_dr, 'utility': utility, 'ues_at_bs': ues_at_bs}



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