Module deepcomp.util.env_setup
Utility module for setting up different envs
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"""Utility module for setting up different envs"""
import numpy as np
import structlog
from shapely.geometry import Point
from ray.rllib.agents.ppo import DEFAULT_CONFIG
from ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env import MultiAgentEnv
from deepcomp.env.single_ue.variants import BinaryMobileEnv, DatarateMobileEnv, NormDrMobileEnv, RelNormEnv, MaxNormEnv
from deepcomp.env.multi_ue.central import CentralDrEnv, CentralNormDrEnv, CentralRelNormEnv, CentralMaxNormEnv
from deepcomp.env.multi_ue.multi_agent import MultiAgentMobileEnv, SeqMultiAgentMobileEnv
from deepcomp.env.entities.user import User
from deepcomp.env.entities.station import Basestation
from import Map
from deepcomp.env.util.movement import UniformMovement, RandomWaypoint
from deepcomp.util.callbacks import CustomMetricCallbacks
log = structlog.get_logger()
def get_env_class(env_type):
"""Return the env class corresponding to the string type (from CLI)"""
assert env_type in SUPPORTED_AGENTS, f"Environment type was {env_type} but has to be one of {SUPPORTED_AGENTS}."
if env_type == 'single':
# return DatarateMobileEnv
# return NormDrMobileEnv
return RelNormEnv
if env_type == 'central':
# return CentralDrEnv
# return CentralNormDrEnv
return CentralRelNormEnv
# return CentralMaxNormEnv
if env_type == 'multi':
return MultiAgentMobileEnv
def get_sharing_for_bs(sharing, bs_idx):
"""Return the sharing model for the given BS"""
# if it's not mixed, it's the same for all BS
if sharing != 'mixed':
assert sharing in SUPPORTED_SHARING
return sharing
# else loop through the available sharing models
sharing_list = ['resource-fair', 'rate-fair', 'proportional-fair']
return sharing_list[bs_idx % len(sharing_list)]
def create_small_map(sharing_model):
Create small map and 2 BS
:returns: tuple (map, bs_list)
map = Map(width=150, height=100)
bs1 = Basestation('A', Point(50, 50), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 0))
bs2 = Basestation('B', Point(100, 50), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 1))
bs_list = [bs1, bs2]
return map, bs_list
def create_dyn_small_map(sharing_model, bs_dist=100, dist_to_border=10):
"""Small env with 2 BS and dynamic distance in between"""
map = Map(width=2 * dist_to_border + bs_dist, height=2 * dist_to_border)
bs1 = Basestation('A', Point(dist_to_border, dist_to_border), sharing_model)
bs2 = Basestation('B', Point(dist_to_border + bs_dist, dist_to_border), sharing_model)
return map, [bs1, bs2]
def create_medium_map(sharing_model):
Deprecated: Use dynamic medium env instead. Kept this to reproduce earlier results.
Same as large env, but with map restricted to areas with coverage.
Thus, optimal episode reward should be close to num_ues * eps_length * 10 (ie, all UEs are always connected)
map = Map(width=205, height=85)
bs1 = Basestation('A', Point(45, 35), sharing_model)
bs2 = Basestation('B', Point(160, 35), sharing_model)
bs3 = Basestation('C', Point(100, 85), sharing_model)
bs_list = [bs1, bs2, bs3]
return map, bs_list
def create_dyn_medium_map(sharing_model, bs_dist=100, dist_to_border=10):
Create map with 3 BS at equal distance. Distance can be varied dynamically. Map is sized automatically.
Keep the same layout as old medium env here: A, B on same horizontal axis. C above in the middle
# calculate vertical distance from A, B to C using Pythagoras
y_dist = np.sqrt(bs_dist ** 2 - (bs_dist / 2) ** 2)
# derive map size from BS distance and distance to border
map_width = 2 * dist_to_border + bs_dist
map_height = 2 * dist_to_border + y_dist
map = Map(width=map_width, height=map_height)
# BS A is located at bottom left corner with specified distance to border
bs1 = Basestation('A', Point(dist_to_border, dist_to_border), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 0))
# other BS positions are derived accordingly
bs2 = Basestation('B', Point(dist_to_border + bs_dist, dist_to_border), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 1))
bs3 = Basestation('C', Point(dist_to_border + (bs_dist / 2), dist_to_border + y_dist), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 2))
return map, [bs1, bs2, bs3]
def create_large_map(sharing_model):
Create larger map with 7 BS that are arranged in a typical hexagonal structure.
:returns: Tuple(map, bs_list)
map = Map(width=230, height=260)
bs_list = [
# center
Basestation('A', Point(115, 130), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 0)),
# top left, counter-clockwise
Basestation('B', Point(30, 80), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 1)),
Basestation('C', Point(115, 30), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 2)),
Basestation('D', Point(200, 80), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 3)),
Basestation('E', Point(200, 180), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 4)),
Basestation('F', Point(115, 230), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 5)),
Basestation('G', Point(30, 180), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 6)),
return map, bs_list
def create_dyn_large_map(sharing_model, num_bs, dist_to_border=10):
assert 1 <= num_bs <= 7, "Only support 1-7 BS in large env"
_, bs_list = create_large_map(sharing_model)
# take only selected BS
bs_list = bs_list[:num_bs]
# create map with size according to BS positions
max_x, max_y = None, None
for bs in bs_list:
if max_x is None or bs.pos.x > max_x:
max_x = bs.pos.x
if max_y is None or bs.pos.y > max_y:
max_y = bs.pos.y
map = Map(width=max_x + dist_to_border, height=max_y + dist_to_border)
return map, bs_list
def create_ues(map, num_static_ues, num_slow_ues, num_fast_ues):
"""Create custom number of slow/fast UEs on the given map. Return UE list"""
ue_list = []
id = 1
for i in range(num_static_ues):
ue_list.append(User(str(id), map, pos_x='random', pos_y='random', movement=RandomWaypoint(map, velocity=0)))
id += 1
for i in range(num_slow_ues):
ue_list.append(User(str(id), map, pos_x='random', pos_y='random', movement=RandomWaypoint(map, velocity='slow')))
id += 1
for i in range(num_fast_ues):
ue_list.append(User(str(id), map, pos_x='random', pos_y='random', movement=RandomWaypoint(map, velocity='fast')))
id += 1
return ue_list
def create_custom_env(sharing_model):
"""Hand-created custom env. For demos or specific experiments."""
map, bs_list = create_small_map(sharing_model)
# 2 stationary UEs
ue_list = [
User(str(1), map, pos_x=70, pos_y=40, movement=UniformMovement(map)),
User(str(2), map, pos_x=80, pos_y=60, movement=UniformMovement(map))
return map, ue_list, bs_list
def get_env(map_size, bs_dist, num_static_ues, num_slow_ues, num_fast_ues, sharing_model, num_bs=None):
"""Create and return the environment corresponding to the given map_size"""
assert map_size in SUPPORTED_ENVS, f"Environment {map_size} is not one of {SUPPORTED_ENVS}."
# create map and BS list
map, bs_list = None, None
if map_size == 'small':
map, bs_list = create_small_map(sharing_model)
elif map_size == 'medium':
map, bs_list = create_dyn_medium_map(sharing_model, bs_dist=bs_dist)
elif map_size == 'large':
if num_bs is None:
map, bs_list = create_large_map(sharing_model)
map, bs_list = create_dyn_large_map(sharing_model, num_bs)
# custom env also defines UEs --> return directly
elif map_size == 'custom':
return create_custom_env(sharing_model)
# create UEs
ue_list = create_ues(map, num_static_ues, num_slow_ues, num_fast_ues)
return map, ue_list, bs_list
def create_env_config(cli_args):
Create environment and RLlib config based on passed CLI args. Return config.
:param cli_args: Parsed CLI args
:return: The complete config for an RLlib agent, including the env & env_config
env_class = get_env_class(cli_args.agent)
map, ue_list, bs_list = get_env(cli_args.env, cli_args.bs_dist, cli_args.static_ues, cli_args.slow_ues,
cli_args.fast_ues, cli_args.sharing, cli_args.num_bs)
# this is for DrEnv and step utility
# env_config = {
# 'episode_length': eps_length, 'seed': seed,
# 'map': map, 'bs_list': bs_list, 'ue_list': ue_list, 'dr_cutoff': 'auto', 'sub_req_dr': True,
# 'curr_dr_obs': False, 'ues_at_bs_obs': False, 'dist_obs': False, 'next_dist_obs': False
# }
# this is for the custom NormEnv and log utility
env_config = {
'episode_length': cli_args.eps_length, 'seed': cli_args.seed, 'map': map, 'bs_list': bs_list, 'ue_list': ue_list,
'rand_episodes': cli_args.rand_train, 'new_ue_interval': cli_args.new_ue_interval, 'reward': cli_args.reward,
# if enabled log_metrics: log metrics even during training --> visible on tensorboard
# if disabled: log just during testing --> probably slightly faster training with less memory
'log_metrics': True
# create and return the config
config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
# discount factor (default 0.99)
# config['gamma'] = 0.5
# 0 = no workers/actors at all --> low overhead for short debugging; 2+ workers to accelerate long training
config['num_workers'] = cli_args.workers
config['seed'] = cli_args.seed
# write training stats to file under ~/ray_results (default: False)
config['monitor'] = True
config['train_batch_size'] = cli_args.batch_size # default: 4000; default in stable_baselines: 128
# auto normalize obserations by subtracting mean and dividing by std (default: "NoFilter")
# config['observation_filter'] = "MeanStdFilter"
# NN settings:
# configure the size of the neural network's hidden layers; default: [256, 256]
# config['model']['fcnet_hiddens'] = [512, 512, 512]
# LSTM settings
config['model']['use_lstm'] = cli_args.lstm
# config['model']['lstm_use_prev_action_reward'] = True
# config['log_level'] = 'INFO' # ray logging default: warning
# reset the env whenever the horizon/eps_length is reached
config['horizon'] = cli_args.eps_length
config['env'] = env_class
config['env_config'] = env_config
# callback for monitoring custom metrics
config['callbacks'] = CustomMetricCallbacks
# for multi-agent env:
if MultiAgentEnv in env_class.__mro__:
# instantiate env to access obs and action space
env = env_class(env_config)
# use separate policies (and NNs) for each agent
if cli_args.separate_agent_nns:
# create policies also for all future UEs
if env.max_ues > env.num_ue:
log.warning("Varying num. UEs. Creating policy for all (future) UEs.",
curr_num_ue=env.num_ue, max_ues=env.max_ues)
ue_ids = [str(i + 1) for i in range(env.max_ues)]
ue_ids = [ for ue in ue_list]
config['multiagent'] = {
# attention: needs to be a string! just casting it to str() here doesn't work;
# needs to be consistent with obs keys --> easier, just use string IDs
'policies': {ue_id: (None, env.observation_space, env.action_space, {}) for ue_id in ue_ids},
'policy_mapping_fn': lambda agent_id: agent_id
# or: all UEs use the same policy and NN
config['multiagent'] = {
'policies': {'ue': (None, env.observation_space, env.action_space, {})},
'policy_mapping_fn': lambda agent_id: 'ue'
return config
def create_custom_env(sharing_model)
Hand-created custom env. For demos or specific experiments.
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def create_custom_env(sharing_model): """Hand-created custom env. For demos or specific experiments.""" map, bs_list = create_small_map(sharing_model) # 2 stationary UEs ue_list = [ User(str(1), map, pos_x=70, pos_y=40, movement=UniformMovement(map)), User(str(2), map, pos_x=80, pos_y=60, movement=UniformMovement(map)) ] return map, ue_list, bs_list
def create_dyn_large_map(sharing_model, num_bs, dist_to_border=10)
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def create_dyn_large_map(sharing_model, num_bs, dist_to_border=10): assert 1 <= num_bs <= 7, "Only support 1-7 BS in large env" _, bs_list = create_large_map(sharing_model) # take only selected BS bs_list = bs_list[:num_bs] # create map with size according to BS positions max_x, max_y = None, None for bs in bs_list: if max_x is None or bs.pos.x > max_x: max_x = bs.pos.x if max_y is None or bs.pos.y > max_y: max_y = bs.pos.y map = Map(width=max_x + dist_to_border, height=max_y + dist_to_border) return map, bs_list
def create_dyn_medium_map(sharing_model, bs_dist=100, dist_to_border=10)
Create map with 3 BS at equal distance. Distance can be varied dynamically. Map is sized automatically. Keep the same layout as old medium env here: A, B on same horizontal axis. C above in the middle
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def create_dyn_medium_map(sharing_model, bs_dist=100, dist_to_border=10): """ Create map with 3 BS at equal distance. Distance can be varied dynamically. Map is sized automatically. Keep the same layout as old medium env here: A, B on same horizontal axis. C above in the middle """ # calculate vertical distance from A, B to C using Pythagoras y_dist = np.sqrt(bs_dist ** 2 - (bs_dist / 2) ** 2) # derive map size from BS distance and distance to border map_width = 2 * dist_to_border + bs_dist map_height = 2 * dist_to_border + y_dist map = Map(width=map_width, height=map_height) # BS A is located at bottom left corner with specified distance to border bs1 = Basestation('A', Point(dist_to_border, dist_to_border), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 0)) # other BS positions are derived accordingly bs2 = Basestation('B', Point(dist_to_border + bs_dist, dist_to_border), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 1)) bs3 = Basestation('C', Point(dist_to_border + (bs_dist / 2), dist_to_border + y_dist), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 2)) return map, [bs1, bs2, bs3]
def create_dyn_small_map(sharing_model, bs_dist=100, dist_to_border=10)
Small env with 2 BS and dynamic distance in between
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def create_dyn_small_map(sharing_model, bs_dist=100, dist_to_border=10): """Small env with 2 BS and dynamic distance in between""" map = Map(width=2 * dist_to_border + bs_dist, height=2 * dist_to_border) bs1 = Basestation('A', Point(dist_to_border, dist_to_border), sharing_model) bs2 = Basestation('B', Point(dist_to_border + bs_dist, dist_to_border), sharing_model) return map, [bs1, bs2]
def create_env_config(cli_args)
Create environment and RLlib config based on passed CLI args. Return config.
:param cli_args: Parsed CLI args :return: The complete config for an RLlib agent, including the env & env_config
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def create_env_config(cli_args): """ Create environment and RLlib config based on passed CLI args. Return config. :param cli_args: Parsed CLI args :return: The complete config for an RLlib agent, including the env & env_config """ env_class = get_env_class(cli_args.agent) map, ue_list, bs_list = get_env(cli_args.env, cli_args.bs_dist, cli_args.static_ues, cli_args.slow_ues, cli_args.fast_ues, cli_args.sharing, cli_args.num_bs) # this is for DrEnv and step utility # env_config = { # 'episode_length': eps_length, 'seed': seed, # 'map': map, 'bs_list': bs_list, 'ue_list': ue_list, 'dr_cutoff': 'auto', 'sub_req_dr': True, # 'curr_dr_obs': False, 'ues_at_bs_obs': False, 'dist_obs': False, 'next_dist_obs': False # } # this is for the custom NormEnv and log utility env_config = { 'episode_length': cli_args.eps_length, 'seed': cli_args.seed, 'map': map, 'bs_list': bs_list, 'ue_list': ue_list, 'rand_episodes': cli_args.rand_train, 'new_ue_interval': cli_args.new_ue_interval, 'reward': cli_args.reward, # if enabled log_metrics: log metrics even during training --> visible on tensorboard # if disabled: log just during testing --> probably slightly faster training with less memory 'log_metrics': True } # create and return the config config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy() # discount factor (default 0.99) # config['gamma'] = 0.5 # 0 = no workers/actors at all --> low overhead for short debugging; 2+ workers to accelerate long training config['num_workers'] = cli_args.workers config['seed'] = cli_args.seed # write training stats to file under ~/ray_results (default: False) config['monitor'] = True config['train_batch_size'] = cli_args.batch_size # default: 4000; default in stable_baselines: 128 # auto normalize obserations by subtracting mean and dividing by std (default: "NoFilter") # config['observation_filter'] = "MeanStdFilter" # NN settings: # configure the size of the neural network's hidden layers; default: [256, 256] # config['model']['fcnet_hiddens'] = [512, 512, 512] # LSTM settings config['model']['use_lstm'] = cli_args.lstm # config['model']['lstm_use_prev_action_reward'] = True # config['log_level'] = 'INFO' # ray logging default: warning # reset the env whenever the horizon/eps_length is reached config['horizon'] = cli_args.eps_length config['env'] = env_class config['env_config'] = env_config # callback for monitoring custom metrics config['callbacks'] = CustomMetricCallbacks # for multi-agent env: if MultiAgentEnv in env_class.__mro__: # instantiate env to access obs and action space env = env_class(env_config) # use separate policies (and NNs) for each agent if cli_args.separate_agent_nns: # create policies also for all future UEs if env.max_ues > env.num_ue: log.warning("Varying num. UEs. Creating policy for all (future) UEs.", curr_num_ue=env.num_ue, max_ues=env.max_ues) ue_ids = [str(i + 1) for i in range(env.max_ues)] else: ue_ids = [ for ue in ue_list] config['multiagent'] = { # attention: needs to be a string! just casting it to str() here doesn't work; # needs to be consistent with obs keys --> easier, just use string IDs 'policies': {ue_id: (None, env.observation_space, env.action_space, {}) for ue_id in ue_ids}, 'policy_mapping_fn': lambda agent_id: agent_id } # or: all UEs use the same policy and NN else: config['multiagent'] = { 'policies': {'ue': (None, env.observation_space, env.action_space, {})}, 'policy_mapping_fn': lambda agent_id: 'ue' } return config
def create_large_map(sharing_model)
Create larger map with 7 BS that are arranged in a typical hexagonal structure.
:returns: Tuple(map, bs_list)
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def create_large_map(sharing_model): """ Create larger map with 7 BS that are arranged in a typical hexagonal structure. :returns: Tuple(map, bs_list) """ map = Map(width=230, height=260) bs_list = [ # center Basestation('A', Point(115, 130), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 0)), # top left, counter-clockwise Basestation('B', Point(30, 80), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 1)), Basestation('C', Point(115, 30), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 2)), Basestation('D', Point(200, 80), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 3)), Basestation('E', Point(200, 180), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 4)), Basestation('F', Point(115, 230), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 5)), Basestation('G', Point(30, 180), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 6)), ] return map, bs_list
def create_medium_map(sharing_model)
Deprecated: Use dynamic medium env instead. Kept this to reproduce earlier results. Same as large env, but with map restricted to areas with coverage. Thus, optimal episode reward should be close to num_ues * eps_length * 10 (ie, all UEs are always connected)
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def create_medium_map(sharing_model): """ Deprecated: Use dynamic medium env instead. Kept this to reproduce earlier results. Same as large env, but with map restricted to areas with coverage. Thus, optimal episode reward should be close to num_ues * eps_length * 10 (ie, all UEs are always connected) """ map = Map(width=205, height=85) bs1 = Basestation('A', Point(45, 35), sharing_model) bs2 = Basestation('B', Point(160, 35), sharing_model) bs3 = Basestation('C', Point(100, 85), sharing_model) bs_list = [bs1, bs2, bs3] return map, bs_list
def create_small_map(sharing_model)
Create small map and 2 BS
:returns: tuple (map, bs_list)
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def create_small_map(sharing_model): """ Create small map and 2 BS :returns: tuple (map, bs_list) """ map = Map(width=150, height=100) bs1 = Basestation('A', Point(50, 50), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 0)) bs2 = Basestation('B', Point(100, 50), get_sharing_for_bs(sharing_model, 1)) bs_list = [bs1, bs2] return map, bs_list
def create_ues(map, num_static_ues, num_slow_ues, num_fast_ues)
Create custom number of slow/fast UEs on the given map. Return UE list
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def create_ues(map, num_static_ues, num_slow_ues, num_fast_ues): """Create custom number of slow/fast UEs on the given map. Return UE list""" ue_list = [] id = 1 for i in range(num_static_ues): ue_list.append(User(str(id), map, pos_x='random', pos_y='random', movement=RandomWaypoint(map, velocity=0))) id += 1 for i in range(num_slow_ues): ue_list.append(User(str(id), map, pos_x='random', pos_y='random', movement=RandomWaypoint(map, velocity='slow'))) id += 1 for i in range(num_fast_ues): ue_list.append(User(str(id), map, pos_x='random', pos_y='random', movement=RandomWaypoint(map, velocity='fast'))) id += 1 return ue_list
def get_env(map_size, bs_dist, num_static_ues, num_slow_ues, num_fast_ues, sharing_model, num_bs=None)
Create and return the environment corresponding to the given map_size
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def get_env(map_size, bs_dist, num_static_ues, num_slow_ues, num_fast_ues, sharing_model, num_bs=None): """Create and return the environment corresponding to the given map_size""" assert map_size in SUPPORTED_ENVS, f"Environment {map_size} is not one of {SUPPORTED_ENVS}." # create map and BS list map, bs_list = None, None if map_size == 'small': map, bs_list = create_small_map(sharing_model) elif map_size == 'medium': map, bs_list = create_dyn_medium_map(sharing_model, bs_dist=bs_dist) elif map_size == 'large': if num_bs is None: map, bs_list = create_large_map(sharing_model) else: map, bs_list = create_dyn_large_map(sharing_model, num_bs) # custom env also defines UEs --> return directly elif map_size == 'custom': return create_custom_env(sharing_model) # create UEs ue_list = create_ues(map, num_static_ues, num_slow_ues, num_fast_ues) return map, ue_list, bs_list
def get_env_class(env_type)
Return the env class corresponding to the string type (from CLI)
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def get_env_class(env_type): """Return the env class corresponding to the string type (from CLI)""" assert env_type in SUPPORTED_AGENTS, f"Environment type was {env_type} but has to be one of {SUPPORTED_AGENTS}." if env_type == 'single': # return DatarateMobileEnv # return NormDrMobileEnv return RelNormEnv if env_type == 'central': # return CentralDrEnv # return CentralNormDrEnv return CentralRelNormEnv # return CentralMaxNormEnv if env_type == 'multi': return MultiAgentMobileEnv
def get_sharing_for_bs(sharing, bs_idx)
Return the sharing model for the given BS
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def get_sharing_for_bs(sharing, bs_idx): """Return the sharing model for the given BS""" # if it's not mixed, it's the same for all BS if sharing != 'mixed': assert sharing in SUPPORTED_SHARING return sharing # else loop through the available sharing models sharing_list = ['resource-fair', 'rate-fair', 'proportional-fair'] return sharing_list[bs_idx % len(sharing_list)]